Monday, November 12, 2012

Top 3 Accidents

Hello cold, cold, icy world.  :)

Scarves are really great. But that's not my main focus for today's post. I am going to discuss my top 3 car accidents that have happened to me around this time of year...

1. Speed/gravel/flip/roll/slew
The time was early fall. 2007. I was a sophomore. Time was in the late afternoon. I decided to jack the Dazzler-mobile, which was Jenessa's prized silver-plated Oldsmobile from the wonderful year of '86. My main goal was to drive to the parish center to do some Great American fundraising. It happened in slow-motion. I was driving (very quickly) along the skiddish gravel road from home into town. I started losing control. I honestly don't remember how fast I was going! It was right by the "Dead End" sign by the two surrounding slews (if you know the area by the house). I started fishtailing... and like an unexperienced, lady driver... I over-corrected and hit the bump on the four-corners sideways. I then launched into the air and did a flip or two. All I can remember is my hair swarming all up in my face, Jenessa's latest Diet Coke spilling into my lap (at least I hope it was DC), and looking out the windows as the world spun. I sang in my head "Jesus, Take the Wheel." The car landed on its side, with me nearest to the ground, and by the swift kick of God's food, pushed me back on the wheels and I was upright. The total event was probably only 4 seconds of my short, sweet life. But it seemed like an eternity. I then called up my Momma and was like "I just got in an accident." she replied "You literally just left the house." Haha! She and Dad then came to the rescue and pulled me from the slew-ish area. We determined that the Dazzler-mobile was no longer able to drive, so Jenessa got a new car (shocker, favorite child advantages). Luckily, I was buckled up and was not killed. 
Lessons to take from this story: wear your seat belt, don't over correct, drive someone else's car if you plan on getting in an accident. Hah.

2. Rape van + curvy road = possibly totaled Impala.
So you remember in the last story, when I totaled Jenessa's old car? Well this story is about her new-ish car. The scene is... yesterday morning... cold, VERY icy, and sweet. Jenessa, Nik and I were on our way back from church, to my place. We were discussing the hilarious parts in Bruno and Borat. Quite a humorous conversation, as you can imagine. I then spotted a dark brown/caramel rape van swerving in front of us. Just the two vehicles on the road. Our moods drastically changed from laughing and giggling, into "ohh shizzzzle that van!"  Jenessa decided to speed up, to avoid getting smashed on the front of the car (which was pretty smart), and saw the van do a 180 degree slide and smasssh into the side of Jen's car. Luckily, the curb was there to stop us from launching into the light pole that was nearby. The humorous part was when I continued watching the van as it hit us and then slid perfectly into the side of the road as if it were parking. End of story. Impala might be damaged a tish. Perhaps, totalled. 
Lessons to take from this story: always have great car conversation, don't cause more problems trying to avoid an accident than actually being in the accident, and slow down on the icy roads.

3. Stop sign from the fiery depths.
This story also involves Jenessa (shocker). It was also in the Dazzlermobile... earlier than the first story, obviously. I believe it was in the deepest part of winter in 2006. We were on our way to somewhere... maybe dance practice? Anyways, we were travelling on a road that was well plowed. During our usual jam-sessions, we realized that we lost control. But somehow we were still going strait. But then slowly... we were approaching a stop-sign. The stop sign was on my side of the road, like usual. But I seriously thought I was going to die because of this sign. It was coming right at me, without mercy. We kept sliding towards it and then ska-doosh. It sliced the living day-lights out of the passenger mirror. Thank goodness it wasn't my face. If I remember correctly, I was still screeching minutes after we had come to a complete stop. 
Lessons to take from this story: as Wendy would say "NO jamming, girls", pump your breaks in case of emergencies, and make memories. 

Bonus (non-winter story): during the summer sometime in the back roads, Jenessa and I found this lovely dog on the side of the road. We decided to pull over and check its collar. I got out and was super pumped to be a "helpful Harriet." I then got closer to the dog, tried to pet it. Then I noticed the white foamy-ness around its mouth. It then tried to snip my hand off with the large white teeth. Wow. I don't believe I have ever moved so quickly. I tried kicking it while doing a crazy dance to distract it from my meaty and delicious-looking body. In the mean time, Jenessa is safely in the car, laughing her face off at me. I am trying to escape the evil dog's range of attack. Running for the car, stumbling to reach the door. Haha. We lived to see another day. 

Never saw the dog again. 

Always believe, the best is yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. I believe you were on your way to Bittner's house during the stop sign hit....
    No Jammin' --ALWAYS wear your seat belt and MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!! tru dat.
