Friday, October 19, 2012

When I feel good, I sing.

Hello everyone,

Well, to be honest, I haven't been feeling very healthy lately. Cough, cough, sniffle, sneeze.

But regardless of my physical state, I am full of life.

When I feel good, I sing!

Here are a few of my thoughts today:
1. Teeth are just outside bones.
2. There is always a reason for something happening, whether it be good or bad.
3. Sympathize, because you never know.
4. Everyone is interconnected to the universe
5. Female lions do 90% of the hunting. Boom. You go girls.
6. Dreams are SO unpredictable.
7. Is it too early to shop for Christmas? 67 days away. Nope.
8. Your face is truly wonderful.
9. Fireflies are the greatest. They don't carry diseases and don't have any stingers/pinchers/biters.
10. I need to buy a case for my Kindle.
11. Anything worth while is usually not easy.
12. It's fine by me.... if you never leave. (My favorite tune right now)

That's what's up, yo.

Do you set goals? Maybe it's time you start and evaluate. Time=love. What you spend your time on is what you truly love and value. Is it facebook? Reading? Texting? Blogging? Laughing with others? Drinking wine? What you do is what you are.

Love deeply and drink more water.
Always believe, the best is yet to come.

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