Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chilled to the bone marrow.

Hello you. 
You beautiful human being. 
You amazing homo sapien. 

I have decided that the extreme cold-ness we are facing in this part of the world is strictly to keep the scallywags away from our women and children. 

Here are some other possible reasons we are "blessed" with this temperature:
-to remove all flying and disease infested insects from eating our brains.
-it allows the dirt rest & amp up its nutrients for a successful farming season in the spring.
-it keeps clothes on hoes.
-it gives the homeless a home (if only temporary).
-keeping the ice frozen, we (those who stay indoors) can revel in people slipping and falling.
-it gives us time to do other fun things such as read pointless articles, run on treadmills, and even test run different hot cocoa mixes.
-we can have an excuse to not shave. Lol... but that's a year-round thing for me.
-to blog, while wrapped like a burrito in blankies and zebra-striped robes.

That is what I feel the cold gives us. 
So remember that, people. 
When you're whining about the cold.
Think of my blog, and giggle. 
That should warm you up. 

That is all, for now.

Always remember, the best is yet to come. 
Hugs, high-fives and Netflix.

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